.Tutorial # 3.

Slide 1
// Instantiating An Object With Different Constructors
	Car DefaultCar = new Car();
	Car YourCar = new Car(... ..., ... ..., ... ..., ... ..., ... ...);

// Return Values
	public boolean TurnOver(boolean blah) { return !blah; }

// System.out.println() vs.System.out.print()

// Magic Numbers
	private final int WHEELS = 4;

// Difference between assignment and declaration
	/* Summary: Declaration introduces the variable & class while 	
	Assignment assigns a variable.

	Assignment: The association of a value with a variable; the new value 	
	replaces any previous value associated with the variable.

	Assignment Statement: A statement that results in an assignment;  the 	
	statement consists of the name of the variable being assigned, the 	
	assignment operator =, and an expression that gives the value that is 	
	assigned to the variable.

	Declaration: A java statement that introduces a variable into a Java 	
	program.  A declaration of a reference variable specifies the name 	
	of the variable and the class of object to which it may refer.*/

	int num = 5; // both
	 // OR //
	int num; // declaration
	num = 5; // assignment

	String name = new String("John"); // both
	 // OR //
	String name; // declaration
	name = new String("John"); // assignment
	name = "John"; // assignment again, same thing
Sample Code

Snippet.java - A snippet of code we will be reviewing
CarProgram.java - CarProgram (Version 2)
Car.java - Car (Version 2)